The one where Green Blooded Bastard watches National Treasure. Ben Gates has a big cock and isn't afraid to use it!
The one where Green Blooded Bastard watches Congo. There is a magical ape that wears a powerglove and helps the human meat bags find the lazer gun and then goes home.
The one where Green Blooded Bastard watches Hellraiser. A dude gets his face ripped off... 'nuff said!
The one where Green Blooded Bastard watches Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark! It is what it is.
*production note* This episode had some asshole cutting the lawn outside so I heavily muted that sound/ silenced it as best that i could. Also Charter was experiencing problems so i had buffer issues and I did my best to fix the issue and keep it close to correct timing. At the moment where i say that I want to smash someone's skull is where the splice is, luckily it's within the last 10 mins of the movie and should be close. Fuck it!
The one where Green Blooded Bastard watches Misery. The tag line is... The Tide Has Come! What the FUCK does that even mean man?!?!