Hey, dudes, this is another episode of my side podcast, The Bastard Boldly Goes! This episode is for ST: VOY S04E01 - Scorpion Pt. 2!
The one where Green Blooded Bastard watches The Evil Dead. In this movie, Ash is a smooth-talking dude taking a weekend off up in the woods with some great friends until shit hits the fan!
The one where Green Blooded Bastard watches Twister. Yeah, bitches it's tornado time, son! So whip it out and rub it out because shit is hitting the fan!
Hey, dudes, this is another episode of my side podcast, The Bastard Boldly Goes! This episode is for ST: VOY S03E26 - Scorpion Pt. 1!
The one where Green Blooded Bastard watches The Prophecy 2. This movie pulls its religion out and slips it in our ass. Oh, Hell Yeah!
The one where Green Blooded Bastard watches Spawn. In this movie, Spawn gets shot, stabbed, punched and tends to fail quite a bit... fuck it, Spawn! It's a lot like the comic and dated, but still fun enough.